Homemade Fruit Leathers

Fruit leathers are a fabulous alternative to store bought, additive laden, roll ups.  This recipe is easy to make at home with kids and has only 4 ingredients. My family likes the combination of raspberries and banana, but any combination of fruit can be used (apple & cinnamon, cherry & cranberry or mango & pineapple are also delicious). If you don’t own a dehydrator these can also be made in the oven, though drying times may vary.

Cook Your Crop: Claudia’s Babaganoush

The sharing of this recipe is the result of a swap that took place between two members from the same suburb. One is a grower, the other is a cook. The first offered up a bounty of huge eggplants from her front garden, while the other had nothing to swap, but loved to make babaganoush. The eggplants were gifted with no reciprocation required, but the cook took the eggplants home, made the delicious dip, and returned some to the grower.  Of the countless swaps that have taken place, this story has to be one of our favourites.


All About Heirlooms

Have you ever eaten rainbow corn, purple carrots or pink radishes? Varieties such as these, that sound too magical to be true, are known as heirlooms or old cultivars.  In recent years they have become highly sought after for their superior taste, interesting appearance or because they are uncommon in supermarkets.  For these reasons, they are perfect for the backyard veggie patch, and your dinner plate!

5 edible flowers to grow & cook

The culinary and decorative benefits of edible flowers are endless. There are many easy-to-grow varieties and most can even be grown in pots. They have the ability to transform any boring dish by injecting new colours and flavours, and are an interesting talking point (especially when you can declare that they are homegrown). Here are 5 of our family favourites to brighten up your table this Spring. […]

Cook your Crop: Natalie’s Lemon Myrtle, Honey & Creme Fraiche Caramels

Crop Swap Sydney member Natalie joined us at our Berowra swap on November 5th.  She baked and brought along these delicious lemon myrtle, honey and creme fraiche caramels which went down a treat.  They store well and are just a little bit different. She’s kindly shared her recipe with us below.