More growing room for Spring!

Every year, in the lead up to Spring, gardeners start plotting and planning how they can gain more room to grow. We’ve put together some ideas to help you maximise your space and ensure that you’re growing (and therefore eating) responsibly.  Spring is only 5 sleeps away!

Pocket City Farms Swap – 18 March, 2017

At our Pocket City Farms swap this month we offered members free soil testing provided by the wonderful team at Vegesafe.  Home gardeners brought their soil samples along and were able to have them analysed on site for metal and metalloid contaminants.  What a valuable service to ensure that soil is safe for growing edibles in!

Your Garden Pest Control Tips

Last month, to get Spring started, we teamed up with Vegepod to give Crop Swap Sydney members the chance to win a Vegepod starter kit.  The competition required entrants to share a garden pest control tip with the community, and they did!  There were companion planting anecdotes, recipes and homemade deterrents galore. With almost 100 entries it was difficult to choose just one winner but we loved Maree’s tip “I vacuum the orange stink bugs that get on the citrus trees. Totally organic and works perfectly. Although, I have had to explain why I am vacuuming my lemon tree at times.” We’ve compiled your tried, tested and local advice, and categorised it for easy reference below.  Enjoy.

Grower Profile: Nadine’s Monster Kale

Many of you may have seen Nadine’s post about her monster kale earlier in the week.  In one year she grew 6 plants in raised beds that were so prolific that they are now taller than her.  There’s no wonder she always had mountains of kale to swap at previous events. There have been many enquiries about what her secret is, so here she kindly shares some growing tips.


Apps to Help Manage Your Garden

Remembering what to plant when, when you last fertilised and when something is due to be harvested can be tricky to manage along with the rest of life’s moments.  Fortunately, there are various apps available to help you with these details.  We’ve compiled information on three of the most popular available.  All offer slightly variable functionality depending on how you would like to document information and access support.