March 20, 2018


The idea of Crop Swapping is such a simple concept, whether it be online or at face to face events, it’s all about sharing.  For those groups that do run face to face events, each one is slightly different. Generally they are very informal, run for 1.5 hours and people come and go, but at their heart, each group is about community, learning and tasting! Feel free to contact the individual organisers via your Facebook group if you’d like more information on what to bring. We also run sustainable living workshops to help you get the most out of your garden.  More info here.

A few tips to get the most out of your swap day:
If it’s a hot day, it’s a good idea to bring a jar of water to keep your harvest alive, and labelling your swaps is also advised.  If you have pre-arranged a swap via your local group ask your organizer to introduce you, or see if they can provide name tags to help you identify one another.

We guarantee that you’ll leave with lots of enthusiasm, some growing tips and probably a few recipes too. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions, otherwise we hope to see you at one of our events soon.

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