When life gives you lemons…

Why not use the peels to make your own chemical free, enzyme cleaner?  This recipe lifts dirt, grime, and odors without introducing harmful chemicals into the equation. Member Raelene kindly shares her recipe and knowledge with us.  This is definitely one to try.

Pocket City Farms Swap – 8 April, 2017

This month’s swap was all about citrus.  The amount of fruit brought along meant that bags and bags were donated to The Food Pantry who kindly distributed it to those in need.

Your Garden Pest Control Tips

Last month, to get Spring started, we teamed up with Vegepod to give Crop Swap Sydney members the chance to win a Vegepod starter kit.  The competition required entrants to share a garden pest control tip with the community, and they did!  There were companion planting anecdotes, recipes and homemade deterrents galore. With almost 100 entries it was difficult to choose just one winner but we loved Maree’s tip “I vacuum the orange stink bugs that get on the citrus trees. Totally organic and works perfectly. Although, I have had to explain why I am vacuuming my lemon tree at times.” We’ve compiled your tried, tested and local advice, and categorised it for easy reference below.  Enjoy.